Welcome to Local Dish Winston-Salem.

This blog is paired with a Facebook Group where people can post pictures and talk about food and beverages they have had at local W-S restaurants and bars. Pictures from the group will be added here so it can be used as a great resource for local places for everyone to enjoy.

You won't find the negative points here; we focus on the good, the great, and the best.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Krankie's Airstream: Tuesday's Half-price Latte

I am usually a brewed coffee girl. The coffee at Krankie Airstream (and the Krankies Mothership) is so good, it does not need to be frothed, steamed, topped, or syruped. Tuesday is 1/2 price espresso drinks day and I usually skip this day at the airstream because the line is much longer than usual. But this morning I had to take our little furry child to his spa day for grooming and so I had a little extra time before I had to be at the office. My choice was a large latte with one splenda and a sprinkle of cinnamon. My spirits are higher and the aesthetics of my cubicle have been enhanced. Maybe a little frothing once in a while is a good thing, especially when it is a bargain.

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